Myths About Square Dancing
When people think about square dancing, they often have an outdated idea of the activity. Maybe a bad middle school experience or an image of bolo ties and dresses with puffy sleeves comes to mind. Unfortunately, many myths persist about square dancing as a leisure activity, but we’re here to put them to bed!
Myth: You can only square dance to country music.
While most people think of country music when they think of square dancing, the truth is, you can square dance to almost any song! As long as the song's beats per minute (bpm) fall into the correct range, it’ll work for a square dance.
You’re likely to hear anything from Bruno Mars and Madonna to Journey and Fleetwood Mac! Of course, country music is still popular at events, but today’s square dancing means breaking tradition and listening to various genres, including pop, rock, R&B, funk, and more!
Myth: You have to wear specific outfits to go square dancing.
Many square dancers still wear traditional attire to our events, but our rule of thumb is to wear whatever you feel most comfortable in! Jeans, t-shirts, shorts, tennis shoes, and sweatshirts are all welcome at our events. Just come as you are and dance like no one’s watching—you’re more than welcome here!
Myth: Square dancing is an old person’s activity.
Lots of older folks love square dancing and have been participating for years. However, we see square dancers of all ages at our events! We’re joined by families with young children, teens, young couples, and middle-aged folks - every age group enjoys square dancing. Young or old, able-bodied or disabled, single or in a group, square dancing is fun for anyone!
Got Questions?
Have questions? We’d love to answer them! Talk to an organization near you to learn all about square dancing and how to get started!