The History of Square Dancing Music
Square dancing is an old American tradition, and traditionally, it has been accompanied by one of the oldest styles of American music. Western-style country music has long been the language of square dancing, and it remains a popular music choice during modern dances today! Throughout history, square dancing has remained a popular national pastime just as its musical counterpart has kept a favorable place in the hearts of most Americans, even making its way into elementary and middle school physical education classes.
Modern Square Dancing Music
While the mechanics of square dancing have mostly remained the same, time has changed how we participate in the activity. The music we dance to is one of the most noticeable ways square dancing has evolved, aside from the required attire.
At any square dance event, you’re bound to hear selections from most major musical genres throughout the evening. Like most types of dance, Square dancing is all about finding the right beat. Most square dances require songs to fall between 124 to 128 BPM (beats per minute). You can find songs that fall within that range across all genres, including pop, rock, R&B, hip hop, country, and more, so you can square dance to almost any kind of music! Callers know taste in music can be diverse, and they work hard to select music to appeal to everyone.

Find a Contact
Learning a new skill, staying fit, and keeping your brain healthy have never been more fun! Find a square dancing club near you to inquire about beginner events and learn how to get started. We can’t wait for you to join us in the square!