Where Can I Sign Up?

There are square dance clubs throughout the United States and across the globe, so getting started is easy! Once you find a club near you, they’ll help you find a beginner’s course. It’s an excellent opportunity to dance alongside newbies and seasoned dancers alike as you learn basic calls and work on the fundamentals of square dancing. 

Once you’ve finished your beginner’s course, you’re ready for the big time!  You will be able to dance at numerous clubs and events throughout the United States and abroad.

Find Square Dances Near Me

Square dancing is an activity that brings people from all walks of life together! Everyone is welcome in the square. Scroll down and click the "Go" button to see a map of clubs and organizations throughout the United States. You can find their contact information and get in touch with your local square dance community!

Got Questions?

If you have more questions about square dancing, contact an organization in your area to learn more. We can’t wait to see you in the square!